Tonight I was doing a test deployment of a small MVC project into our corporate environment. We run IIS6 on most of the servers, aside for the newer SharePoint 2010 stuff. I didn’t want to have to install the MVC MSI onto the server, so I just thought I’d deploy what I needed in the bin directory. It was surprisingly frustrating, especially after all the talk I kept hearing about it should “just work.”
Here are the DLLs I needed to include in the bin folder (copy local = true):
- Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure
- System.Web.Entity
- System.Web.Extensions
- System.Web.Helpers
- System.Web.Mvc
- System.Web.Razor
- System.Web.Routing
- System.Web.WebPages
- System.Web.WebPages.Deployment
- System.Web.WebPages.Razor
This post from Phil Haack was also quite helpful in configuring IIS appropriately.